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February 6, 2022
Under the Bus
by Hal Wright
Jim Worthington claims employees and family are behind controversial moves attributed to him.
In a WHYY story released last month, Worthington was all too happy to throw those in his inner circle under the Trump rally buses. Worthington, founder of the People4Trump PAC, said the buses were rented by a woman who works for him, and that he only went to the January 6 rally because his son asked him to. Worthington seems happy he went though, calling the rally the "most patriotic event I've ever heard of."
Worthington can't have it both ways. He can either decry political "blood sport," or praise a failed president's demand that his supporters "fight like hell" to overturn the results of a free and fair election. On the other hand, maybe Worthington can have it both ways. He's got Brian Fitzpatrick, master of disingenuous fence-sitting, on what we used to call speed dial. With friends like that, and a popular local business, who needs to take responsibility or to make sense?
Which brings us to the proposed gun show at Worthington's Newtown training facility. Unsurprisingly, Worthington said his managers arranged for the show, which violates local zoning ordinances, without his knowledge. One is left to wonder what exactly Worthington does control. Are the mice playing while the cat is away, as Worthington claims, or is Worthington playing us like a fiddle, and enjoying the media attention and recreational litigation?
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