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April 11, 2022
Help For Ukraine Collides with Bucks County Politics
By Hal Wright
News that Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, wealthy Trump supporter Jim Worthington, and Bucks Democratic Committee chair John Cordisco were to appear together at Worthington's Newtown Athletic Club left many Bucks Dems surprised, perplexed, and appalled. In many respects though, this was politics as usual among Bucks County's wealthy and powerful elite.
Under pressure from within his party, including from this writer, Cordisco backed out of appearing at the event, a fundraiser for Ukraine, while pledging monetary support.
The argument that Democratic leaders should have been comfortable appearing at this ostensibly bipartisan event ignores the broader context.
  • December 2019
    Brian Fitzpatrick votes against impeaching Donald Trump in response to his attempt to extort personal favors from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • January 2021
    Jim Worthington helps his People4Trump group send busloads of Trump supporters to the "Stop the Steal" rally, which morphed into an insurrection.
  • February 2022
    Russia invades Ukraine, and it becomes evident that Bucks County residents overwhelmingly side with Ukraine in the conflict. Soon after, Brian Fitzpatrick begins a relentless attack on Joe Biden's Ukraine policy in social media. One tweet calls on Biden and NATO to give Ukraine "whatever they're asking for." At the time, Ukraine was asking for, among other things, a no-fly zone which would have brought our military into direct conflict with Russia's.
  • March 2022
    Jim Worthington files a SLAPP lawsuit against Fitzpatrick's Democratic challenger Ashley Ehasz over statements she made regarding his involvement in the January 6 rally and insurrection. Ehasz's defense team has argued that her statements were accurate. Such lawsuits are nothing new in Bucks County Congressional races.
Those of us who follow Fitzpatrick on Twitter have witnessed him defend Ukraine with a passion he has never displayed in defense of his own constituents. War on Ukraine has delivered a political windfall to Fitzpatrick. His background gives him credibility as he latches onto a broadly popular cause. His harsh criticism of Biden serves to counter claims from the right wing of his party that Fitzpatrick is a weak RINO.
All of this has the feel of performative, wind-sock politics from a member of Congress who represents Bucks County and ought to be focused on our interests. Fitzpatrick had a chance to support Ukraine by voting to impeach Donald Trump. He had countless opportunities to condemn Vladimir Putin while Trump was cozying up to him. Where was Fitzpatrick's sense of urgency around Russia and Ukraine during Trump's tenure in the White House?
As for Jim Worthington, the chance to host a fundraiser for Ukraine must have been irresistible. Worthington's "aw shucks" rebuttals to Democrats' concerns – he has a 20-year friendship with John Cordisco, Democrats are crazy to criticize John after all he's done, the event is bipartisan – fall flat. As Worthington well knows, an event can be more than one thing. A peaceful rally, and cover for a deadly insurrection. Or in this case: a fundraiser for a good cause, a campaign stop by his friend Brian Fitzpatrick, and a chance to push a stick in the eye of Fitzpatrick's Democratic rival with Democratic Party participation.

We are left to marvel at the odd calculus behind Cordisco's initial decision to participate. Of the hundred ways Democratic leadership could have helped Ukraine – and Democrats should help Ukraine – they chose one seemingly purpose-built to burnish the reputation of their purported opponents, individuals actively trying to demolish Democratic influence in Bucks County and in Washington, DC. How could that possibly seem ok?
Here's one hypothesis. Whether with intent or just as a matter of habit, the wealthy and powerful in Bucks County followed the familiar pattern of scratching each other's backs, of crossing party lines to help each other maintain status against outsiders like Ashley Ehasz.
One thing is certain. The damage to Dems was done when a prominent Democrat pledged to show up at NAC in his official capacity. Backing out of the commitment once it was made did not help. The mess could easily have been avoided had Dems arranged a separate event featuring their elected officials and candidates, including Ashley Ehasz.
Fortunately, anyone wishing to send a message to Bucks County's entrenched elite can do so by voting for Ms. Ehasz in November.
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